Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Module 6 Blog

I believe that technology has a big impact on the way I learn, because it is the resource I always turn to when I do not know something. Technology has made learning convenient and easy. If anyone is uncertain about something they can simply pull up google on their phone and type in their question. I learn differently in an online environment because I learn more through collaboration and resources than I do through actual instruction like in a regular classroom. In a regular education classroom students learn mostly through lectures and projects. This is a big difference in distance learning and general education.

I believe teaching is much more than passing standardized tests and learning the curriculum. I find it inspiring and enjoy motivating students to fulfill their dreams. Teaching is an opportunity to make an impact on today’s world and the future. I believe students should be taught by differentiated instruction so that each child no matter the learning style or readiness level will learn and move forward in their educational career. Teaching is democratic, giving students choices and empowering them.
The classroom should have a sense of community with the teacher fostering relationships with the students. The classroom community should be student centered allowing for interdependent collaborative learning. The teacher should teach so that the students are actively engaged in their learning process for the majority of the class with very little lecture time. By teaching in this manner assessment will need to be varied, not only using traditional but also using performance and observation tools of assessment. The teacher should provide positive constructive feedback throughout assessments for students to move forward instead of making the same errors continually.
I am a social constructivist and believe students should be actively engaged in their learning process at least 90% of the time. I think that students should also learn in an interdependent collaborative manner with assessment being varied from traditional methods. Teachers must meet each child’s zone of proximal development and can only do this by varying instruction and creating an actively involved learning/social environment. All standard based curriculum that is taught should be related to real life experiences and situations. Students need to understand why they are being taught this information and how they can use it outside the classroom. If they are not taught this they feel as though they have no need to learn the material because it will be useless to them in the “real world.” Students’ instruction should be varied to meet all students learning styles and needs, so that each child will learn.
I believe that classroom management should be handled by a balanced approach with some behaviorist and some humanistic viewpoints.  I think this will assist you greatly in making a safe and positive classroom community. There should be rules, procedures, and consequences posted clearly in the classroom and rehearsed continually throughout the year to ensure routine. If the students know what to do in most situations there will be no confusion nor behavior problems. Behavior problems occur when students are confused and do not know what to do.  Positive and negative consequences should also be offered for students who choose to do the right thing and for students who choose not to. This method will reinforce those wanted and unwanted behaviors. Discipline and behavior management are the most important things in the classroom, without them you will never achieve anything in the teaching/learning process.
Teachers are coaches, facilitators and role models. They coach children through the schooling process and their lives, they facilitate instruction in a variety of ways to meet every student’s needs, and they are role models by being educated professionals who are inspiring today’s world over and over again. Teachers touch and change student’s lives daily and without them our world would not be where it is today.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Module 5 Blog

When implementing new technology in a work setting one is often faced with many reluctant employees. People who have been doing the same thing year after year, are stuck in their ways of doing things and are not open for any type of change. I have seen this very situation occur this year at my school. We are in a very low socio- economic area with poverty ridden families so it is very rare that are school receives any extra funding for anything new. However we recently received a technology grant in which the board chose to purchase SMART tables for the Kindergarten classrooms. Keep in mind that these wonderful tools cost over seven thousand dollars a piece. The Kindergarten teacher I work with has yet to turn hers on for her children to use. This tool is one of the most innovative things I have seen in the education field. The teacher can load different games according to the subject being taught and the kids can interact with the content on this interactive touch screen table. However she refuses to use hers and will not let anyone help her learn how to use it. I just feel that this hurts the students because they are missing out on something that is very engaging and would help them learn in an interactive manner.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Module 4 Blog: Connectivism

How has your network changed the way you learned?

My learning has changed greatly in just the past couple of years. When I started my master's degree with Walden, my whole idea of learning was completely changed. To start with I never imagined I could go to graduate school entirely online and I was very unsure if I had the background knowledge in technology to succeed in this virtual environment. But I quickly adapted and began learning through collaboration using wikis, skype, blogs, and discussion boards. I have recently been able to communicate and learn through my social network, facebook,  with some of my colleagues. These colleagues and I discuss issues that we currently face as educators. 

Which digital tools best facilitate learning for you?

I believe pod casts, wikis, and blogs help facilitate learning for me the best. I am a visual learner and the pod casts help me gain a better understanding of the content than reading a book ever would. I also enjoy and benefit greatly from the collaboration portion of my distance learning courses. It is interesting to hear different viewpoints about topics and the way other states education systems differ from mine.

How do you learn new knowledge when you have questions?

I google everything!! Whenever I am unsure about anything I grab my phone and google it! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Module 3 Blog

Collaboration: Module 3 Blog Post

Howard Rheingold (2008), discusses that collaboration and communication is key to our world and to be successful. However, most cases people do not collaborate or communicate and the task at hand fails or is not as successful. Rheingold (2008) discusses the prisoners dilemma, the prisoners dilemma is that if two prisoners agree they would both get off without serving time but if they do not agree they both have to serve the time, and they never can agree! I could not agree with Rheingold more the human race has the hardest time collaborating and agreeing on things but when they do they get the best results. An example that he used is when the Egyptians built the pyramids, they had to have used collaboration and communication in order for them to be built successfully. Obviously, they were able to collaborate successfully because these amazing structures still stand today.

I believe that humans do not have a basic instinct to interact and work as a group. We were designed to fend for ourselves and our family and to compete until we have the best. However, we need to change this instinct and learn to adapt and be collaborative in everything that we do. With collaboration and communication we can succeed so much more in life!!

Technology can facilitate collaboration among learners more easily in my opinion than being face to face with each other. With the use of technology there is no longer the sense of competition and trying to be better than your peers. Blogs and discussion posts are the perfect example of this, we state our opinions and our peers elaborate on it or state why they feel differently and both classmates come to a common agreement most of the time. 

A study that I found that supported collaboration as an effective tool for learning is, "Collaborative versus individual use of regulative software scaffolds during scientific inquiry learning." This study compares individual and collaborative success during a scientific inquiry learning process. Forty two high school students either worked individually or in pairs, and the ones that worked in pairs showed significantly higher scores than the students that worked individually. This study can be found at


Rheingold, H. (2008, February). Howard Rheingold on collaboration [Video file].  Retrieved from  

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Module 2

Bill Kerr (2007) and Stephen Downes (2007) have conflicting opinions on the behaviorist theory. Kerr believes to a certain extent that we are all behaviorists while Downes feels that the behaviorist theory is an ancient theory and that instructional design is for one reason or another still based on this ancient theory (Kerr, 2007). I agree with Kerr(2007). Skinner's theory of behaviorism is based on reinforcement, which is something that is very evident in today's society. We do well at our jobs, we get a raise or promotion. We go to the gym and work out every night, we begin to see results and we keep going. Behaviorism is a cycle of a behavior, followed by reinforcement and the behavior often being repeated due to the reinforcement. This theory is very much evident in today's society as well as instructional design. Instructional design also functions off of reinforcement. A teacher implements a new strategy in a classroom, the students grasp the concept being taught easily (our reinforcement) and we use this strategy again.

Kerr (2007) also discusses in his blog post that the "-isms" are necessary to explain changes and that each -ism has a useful piece to it. "It seems to me that each _ism is offering something useful without any of them being complete or stand alone in their own right" (Kerr, 2007). I agree with this statement, if we could take the useful pieces from each theory and develop one effective theory that explained how we learn and how we process information these theories would be much more effective.

Karl Kapp (2007), discusses this same idea in his blog post "Out and About." He states that not one of theories one hundred percent explains how humans process information. 


Kerr, B. (2007, January 1). _isms as filter, not blinker [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Kapp, K. (2007, January 2). Out and about: Discussion on educational schools of thought [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Module 1 Responses

I posted to Ena Smith's blog at I also posted to Linda Hitcheson's blog at These are my responses to the blogs for Module 1.

Rachel Bell

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Module 1

What are your beliefs about how people learn best?
I believe people learn best when the information is presented to them in a variety of ways. There are three differnt learning styles. There are auditory learners, visual learners and kinesthetic or hands-on learners. In my opinion if teachers taught the same information in each of these three ways the students would benefit the most. They would benefit the most because the information is not only presented to them in different methods but it is also presented to them repeatedly.Repetition is another key factor in learning. Even as adults we need to hear, see, or do something over and over again in order to truly retain the information.

What is the purpose of learning theory in educational technology?
The purpose of learning theory in educational technology is very similiar to the purpose of learning theory in general education. Learning theory is an attempt to describe how people learn (Hill, 2002). Educational technology was created to supplement general education. It supplements education by presenting the same information that students are being taught in the classroom but in a different manner. Educational technology needs to be able to support students learning, therefore there needs to learning theory studies to create effective educational technology. Recently, educational technology has advanced to not only being a supplement but also serving as the main source of education, distance education programs. Distance education programs provide a great deal of challenges to the instructors because they still have to meet the needs of their learners but without being in the room with them. Learning theory is a very critical study when it comes to distance education because instructors need to be able to meet their students needs virtually.